Another successful Tails For Ta-Tas breast cancer dog walk under our belt woohooooo! This year brought new walkers, new doggies, an awesome raffle, more donations AND a SPECIAL SURPRISE to be annouced VERY SOON!! We at least doubled our walkers from last year from around 20 people and 6 dogs to around 40 walkers and 20 dogs, and our donation total grew from $815.00 in 2012 to $1173.00 for 2013! Don’t forget to include the $100 Publix gift card we raffled off, donated by Office Depot #2363 manager Fred Ormsbee. I hope we increase participation every year like this, it’s a great opportunity to do something wonderful and include your best friend. Have a look at our album, a great time was had by all and we hope to see you in October for the next one. Thank you so much to all our walkers, donors and doggies, we love you xoxo!
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Congratulations to our winner of the $100.00 Publix gift card raffle!