We are raising funds for Jaxson and Mr. Bentley, all funds will benefit Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee. Jaxson was a bait puppy and has gone through multiple facial reconstruction surgeries as well as heart surgery. He will need on going care the rest of his life as a forever foster. Mr. Bentley is a senior forever foster with medical expenses. We would like to help … Read More!
Latest News!
Great Finds

Zoey’s Favorite Bow Ties!
EVERYBODY knows that I LOVE BOW TIES and BOW TIES LOVE ME! Oh now don't go over board, YES I love my baubles, bling and sparkle but bow ties are my FAVE! No other … Read More!
Zoey’s Bestie of the Week!

My Bestie: LiL’Jim!
Get ready to meet handsome cos here it is; my bestie LiL' Jim! Smooooooth, sleek and debonair LiL' Jim is the classic American Gentleman. The momma thinks me and … Read More!
Latest Happenings

ZoeyTheBooger’s Jaxson and Mr. Bentley Raffle!
We are raising funds for Jaxson and Mr. Bentley, all funds will benefit Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee. Jaxson was a bait puppy and has gone through … Read More!
Win it! Current Giveaway

ZoeyTheBooger’s Jaxson and Mr. Bentley Raffle!
We are raising funds for Jaxson and Mr. Bentley, all funds will benefit Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee. Jaxson was a bait puppy and has gone through … Read More!